Osservatorio delle libertà ed istituzioni religiose


Osservatorio delle Libertà ed Istituzioni Religiose

Risoluzione 04 ottobre 2007, n.1580

Council of Europe, Parliamentary Assembly. Recommendation 4 October 2007, 1580 (2007): “The dangers of creationism in education” (*). 1. The aim of this report is not to question or to fight a belief – the right to freedom of belief does not permit that. The aim is to warn against certain tendencies to pass off […]

Raccomandazione 29 giugno 2007, n.1805

Council of Europe, Parliamentary Assembly. Recommendation 29 june 2007, n. 1805(2007): “Blasphemy, religious insults and hate speech against persons on grounds of their religion”. (*) (Provisional edition) 1. The Parliamentary Assembly recalls its Resolution 1510 (2006) on freedom of expression and respect for religious beliefs and reiterates its commitment to the freedom of expression (Article […]

Raccomandazione 29 giugno 2007, n.1804

Council of Europe, Parliamentary Assembly. Recommendation 29 june 2007, n. 1804(2007): "State, religion, secularity and human rights" (*). 1. The Parliamentary Assembly notes that religion is an important feature of European society. This is because of the historic fact that certain religions have been present for centuries and because of their influence in Europe's history. […]

Raccomandazione 05 ottobre 2006, n.1768

Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly. Raccomandazione 5 ottobre 2006, n.1768: “The image of asylum-seekers, migrants and refugees in the media” (*) 1. European history is strongly characterised by both emigration and immigration within and outside of Europe. According to the International Organization for Migration, there are approximately 33 million migrants in Europe. This figure will […]

Risoluzione 28 giugno 2006, n.1510

Consiglio d’Europa. Risoluzione 28 giugno 2006, n. 1510: “Freedom of expression and respect for religious beliefs” (*) 1. The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe reaffirms that there cannot be a democratic society without the fundamental right to freedom of expression. The progress of society and the development of every individual depend on the […]

Risoluzione 12 aprile 2006, n.1495

Consiglio d’Europa. Risoluzione 12 aprile 2006, n. 1495: “Combating the resurgence of Nazi ideology”. 1. In May 1945, the Allied Powers defeated the Nazi German regime and put an end to Hitler’s National-Socialism, the most cruel and barbaric regime that Europe had ever known. 2. More than just a defeat of the Nazi armies, the […]

Raccomandazione 11 aprile 2006, n.1742

Consiglio d’Europa. Recommendation 11 April 2006, n. 1742: “Human rights of members of the armed forces”. 1. The army is the institution which is responsible for protecting the state and defending the community. Combat is its raison d’être, the very purpose of its existence, and it is bound by the specific constraints of rules regarding […]

Raccomandazione 04 ottobre 2005, n.1720

Consiglio d’Europa. Recommendation 4 october 2005, n. 1720: “Education and religion”. 1. The Parliamentary Assembly forcefully reaffirms that each person’s religion, including the option of having no religion, is a strictly personal matter. However, this is not inconsistent with the view that a good general knowledge of religions and the resulting sense of tolerance are […]

Convenzione 04 novembre 1950

“Convenzione europea per la salvaguardia dei diritti dell’uomo e delle libertà fondamentali”, 4 novembre 1950. (Testo coordinato con gli emendamenti di cui al Protocollo n. 11 firmato a Strasburgo l’11 maggio 1994, entrato in vigore il 1° novembre 1998) I Governi firmatari, Membri del Consiglio d’Europa; Considerata la Dichiarazione Universale dei Diritti dell’Uomo, proclamata dall’Assemblea […]

Protocollo 13 maggio 2004, n.14

Consiglio d’Europa. “Protocollo n. 14 alla Convenzione Europea per la Salvaguardia dei diritti dell’uomo e delle libertà fondamentali emendante il sistema di controllo della Convenzione”, 13 maggio 2004. PROTOCOLE N° 14 A LA CONVENTION DE SAUVEGARDE DES DROITS DE L’HOMME ET DES LIBERTES FONDAMENTALES, AMENDANT LE SYSTEME DE CONTROLE DE LA CONVENTION Préambule Les Etats […]