Osservatorio delle libertà ed istituzioni religiose


Osservatorio delle Libertà ed Istituzioni Religiose

Notizie • 11 Gennaio 2012

EREnews: European Religious Education, rassegna trimestrale a cura di Flavio Pajer, anno 9, n. 4, ottobre-dicembre 2011

EREnews anno 9 n.4 ottobre-dicembre 2011(pdf)

Rassegna trimestrale di documenti e informazioni sulla gestione del religioso nello spazio pubblico educativo a cura di Flavio Pajer




  • OSCE : L‘éducation publique engagée contre le racisme et la xénophobie
  • OSCE/ ODIHR: Guidelines for educators on countering intolerance and discrimination
  • Conseil de l’Europe: La dimension religieuse du dialogue interculturel
  • European Commission: Catching up with Europe: views from Bulgaria, Greece and Hungary
  • Cour Européenne: Convictions religieuses et éducation sexuelle dans les écoles publiques
  • Strasbourg Consortium : About freedom of religion
  • Belgique Projet du Groupe de recherche sur Education et Religion (GRER)
  • España Un Manual para la gestión municipal de la diversidad religiosaLas religiones minoritarias piden normas que eviten la discriminación
  • France La laïcité légale « est très différente de l‘idée que l‘on s‘en fait »
  • Germany Islamic Religious Education and Pedagogy of Islamic ReligionIntroducing Islamic Theology at German Universities
  • Italia [see newsletter IRInews: IRInews2010@mail.com ]
  • Portugal «Trȇs Religiões, uma Cultura comum » : um projecto nas escolas públicas
  • Russia Lettera del Patriarca di Mosca al Segretario del Consiglio d‘EuropaAnche la Russia forma esperti di storia e cultura islamica
  • Svizzera-TI Guida programmatica per l‘insegnante di RC nella Scuola primaria
  • United Kingdom A new Religious Education Agreed Syllabus
  • Mexico Con la legge sulla libertà religiosa il diritto all‘istruzione religiosa nelle scuole
  • Québec Où en est l‘application du programme Ethique et Culture religieuse?


  • Philip BARNES (ed.), Debates in Religious Education, Routledge, London 2012, pp. XII+31
  • Roland J. CAMPICHE, La religion visible. Pratiques et croyances en Suisse, Presses polytechniques et universitaires romandes, Lausanne 2010, pp. 141
  • Lorenzo FAZZINI (ed.), Un’anima per l’Europa. Colloqui su Dio, ateismo e dintorni, Paoline, Milano 2011, pp. 166
  • Michael GRIMMITT (ed.), Religious education and social and community cohesion: an exploration of challenges and opportunities, McCrimmons, Great Wakering 2010, pp. 336
  • Thomas HAMMARBERG, Droits de l'homme en Europe: la complaisance n'a pas sa place, éd. Conseil de l‟Europe, Strasbourg 2011, pp. 412
  • Josep HUBER, Pascale MOMPOINT-GAILLARD (Eds.), Former les enseignants au changement. La Philosophie du Programme Pestalozzi du Conseil de l’Europe, Ed. Conseil de l‟Europe, Strasbourg décembre 2011, pp. 160
  • Elisabeth LAMBERT-ABDELGAWAD, Thierry RAMBAUD (Eds.), Analyse comparée des discriminations religieuses en Europe, Ed.Société de législation comparée (28 rue St Guillaume,75007 Paris), 2011, pp. 290
  • Jǿrgen S. NIELSEN et aa.( Eds.), Yearbook of Muslims in Europe, Brill Press Ware House, vol 1, 2009, pp. 575; vol. 2, 2010, pp. 712; vol.3, 2011, pp. 750
  • Gerhard ROBBERS (Hrsg.), Religion in Public Education La religion dans l'éducation publique, European Consortium for Church and State Research, Proceedings of the Conference, Trier, 11-14 November 2010 – Actes du Colloque, Trèves, 11-14 novembre 2010, pp. 569
  • Michael STAUSBERG, Steven ENGLER (eds.), Handbook of Research Methods in the Study of Religion, Routledge, London 2011, pp. 546
  • Jean-Pierre STERCK-DEGUELDRE, Avec les cinq sens en quête de sens. Pour une pédagogie et une didactique religieuse holistique, Lumen Vitae, Bruxelles 2011, 80 fiches
  • John SULLIVAN (ed.), Communicating faith, The Catholic University of America Press, Washington 2001, pp.XXVI+405
  • Bryan S. TURNER, Religion and Modern Society. Citizenship, Secularisation and the State, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge 2011, pp. 372
  • Paul WELLER, Tristram HOOLEY, Religion and belief in Higher Education: the experiences of staff and students, 128 pages


  • Marco ANTONSICH, Exploring the demands of assimilation among White Ethnic Majorities in Western Europe, “Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies”, vol. 38 (2012) 1, 59-76
  • Rito V. BARING, Plurality in Unity: Challenges toward Religious Education in the Philippines, “Religious Education” 106 (2011) 5, 459-475
  • Rita BENIGNI, Le Scuole Europee. Un modello di educazione multilingue e multiculturale, online in www.statoechiese.it, giugno 2010, pp. 25
  • Robert BOWIE, Human rights and religion in the English secondary RE curriculum, “Journal of Beliefs & Values”, vol.32 (2011)3, 269-280
  • Sandra Leanne BOSACKI, Kelsey MOORE, Victoria TALWAR, Jesseon PARK-SALTZMAN, Preadolescents’ gendered spiritual identities and self-regulation, “Journal of Beliefs & Values” vol. 32 (2011)3, 303-316
  • Cathy BYRNE, Freirean critical pedagogy’s challenge to interfaith education: what is interfaith? What is education?, “British Journal of Religious Education” vol. 33(2011)1, 47-60
  • David CROOK, Rob FREATHY, Susannah WRIGHT, Citizenship, Religion and Education, “History of Education” vol. 40 (2011) 6, 695-700
  • Grace DAVIE, Law, Sociology and Religion: An Awkward Threesome, “The Oxford Journal of Law and Religion”: www. ojlr. oxfordjournals.org/content/early/2011/12/30/ojlr.rwr022.abstract
  • James DINGLEY, Sacred identities: religion and national identities, “National Identities” 13 (2011) 4, 389-402
  • Consuelo FLECHA GARCÍA, Education in Spain: Close-up of its History in the 20th Century, “Analytical Reports in International Education” vol. 4 (2011) 1, 17-42
  • Jonathan FOX, Separation of Religion and State and Secularism in Theory and in Practice, in “Religion, State and Society” 39 (2011) 4, 384-401
  • Adrian-Mario GELLEL, Michael T. BUCHANAN, The impact of cultural religious values upon pre-service teachers’ perceptions of their role as educators in Catholic religious schools, “Journal of Beliefs & Values” vol. 32 (2011) 3, 317-328
  • Will M. GERVAIS, et aa., The cultural transmission of faith. Why innate intuitions are necessary, but insufficient, to explain religious belief, “Religion” vol. 41 (2011) 3, 389-410
  • Elena Crinela HOLOM, The bell procurement process in the Romanian communities in Transylvania (19th – 20th centuries), “European Journal of Science and Theology”, vol.7 (2011) 4, 93-102
  • Brendan HYDE, Montessori and Jerome W. Berrymann: work, play, religious education and the art of using the Christian language system “British Journal of Religious Education” vol. 33(2011) 3, 341-353
  • Irena ILIEVA, Anti-Semitism and Islamophobia in Bulgaria. Actual legal and sociological aspects, in “Stato, Chiese e pluralismo confessionale” (rivista telematica): www.statoechiese.it novembre 2011
  • Michael INZLICHT, Alexia M.TULLETT, Marie GOOD (Dep of Psychology, Univ.of Toronto, Canada), The need to believe: a neuroscience account of religion as a motivated process, “Religion, Brain & Behavior” 2011, 1, 1-22. www.michaelinzlicht.com/ wp/wp-content/uploads/downloads/2011/12/Inzlicht
  • F. JOUSSEN, La virtualité, caractéristique d’un bon cours de religion? De l’usage des réalités virtuelles à l’école en pédagogie de la religion, « Lumen Vitae » 66 (2011) 3, 323-333
  • John LARRIVEE, Caritas in veritate: learning lessons about truth, religion, and civil society from the economic experiments of the twentieth century, “The Catholic Social Science Review” 16 (2011) 51-65
  • Maria Grazia MARTINO, “We Need to Promote the Dialogue between Christians and Protestants”: State, Church, and Religious Minorities in Greece, Italy, and Sweden, “Journal of Church & State”, online December 16, 2011
  • Ólöf Thorhildur ÓLAFSDÓTTIR, Comprendre et valoriser la diversité: les travaux du Conseil de l’Europe en matière d’éducation interculturelle, Rapport de la Directrice de l‟Education et des Langues du Conseil de l‟Europe au Symposium international sur l‟interculturalisme, Montréal 25-27 Mai 2011, in : www.theewc.org/uploads/content/OOMontrealMai2011.French.pdf.
  • Edmond PATEL, C. MEYER, Interfaith cooperation on campus. Teaching interfaith Literacy, “Journal of College and Character” 12 (2011) 4, 1-7
  • Russell POWELL, Steve CLARKE, Religion as an Evolutionary Byproduct: a Critique of the Standard Model, “The British Journal of the Philosophy of Science”: www.osfordjournals.org/content/early/2011/11/23/bjps.axr035.abstract – First published: January 1, 2012
  • Mike RADFORD, Experience and reality in religious education, “British Journal of Religious Education” vol. 33 (2011) 3, 327-340
  • Elisabeth RUTHERFORD, Pupils’ perspectives of the purpose and value of collective Worship. A case-study of 11-12 year olds in a faith-school context, “Journal of Trainer Teacher Education Research” vol. 3 (2012) 1, 64-92
  • Richard RYMARZ, Catechesis and Religious Education in Canadian Catholic Schools, “Religious Education” vol. 106 (2011) 5, 537-549
  • Xhavit SHALA, Interreligious communication, religious education and security issues, “Social Studies”, 5 (2011) 2, 139-146
  • Victor SHNIRELMAN, The struggle of the Russian Orthodox Church to introduce Religion into the Curriculum in the first decade of the 21st Century, “Journal of Educational Media, Memory and Society” vol. 3(2011) 2, 1-22
  • Bernard TOULEMONDE, Le cinquantenaire de la loi Debré. Qu’est devenu l’enseignement privé ?, Revue de Droit public, 127 (2011) 5, 1157-1186
  • Paul VERMEER, Jacques JANSSEN & Peer SCHEEPENS, Authoritative Parenting and the Transmission of Religion in the Netherlands: A Panel Study, “International Journal for the Psychology of Religion”, vol. 22 (2011) 1, 42-59
  • Connor WEST, The confluence of education and children's spirituality in New South Wales, in “Journal of Student Engagement – Education Matters”, 1 (2011) 1, 11-20
  • Kevin WILLIAMS, Faith and the French: Catholicism and education in France, “International Studies in Catholic Education” vol. 3 (2011) 2, 184-197

Newsletter trimestrale inviata a richiesta – Documenti e notizie sono segnalati, quando possibile, in lingua originale.
Collaborano a questo numero: Stephan Leimgruber (D) – Carlos Esteban Garcés (E) – Leo Rolando (CH).
EREnews è messa a disposizione anche da diversi website specializzati:
– http://www.lumenonline.net Centre International Lumen Vitae, Bruxelles, B
www.olir.it Osservatorio delle Libertà e delle Istituzioni Religiose, Facoltà di Giurisprudenza, Milano-Piacenza, IT
– http://www.katechetyka.eu/european-religious-education.novy-numer.131.html Faculty of Catholic Theology, Lublin, PL
– www.aica.it Associazione nazionale Catecheti Italiani, IT
– www.eufres.org/ European Forum for Religious Education in Schools, Wien, AT / Madrid, E
– www.formiris.org/enseignement-et-religions/ Agences pour la formation professionnelle des enseignants, Paris, F
– http://idr.seieditrice.com/ Società Editrice Internazionale, Torino, IT
– http://www.rivistadireligione.org/ Facoltà di Scienze dell‘educazione, UPS, Roma. IT
Per iscriversi o cancellarsi: fpajer@lasalle.org – Per iscriversi alla newsletter Italia: IRInews2010@mail.com
Questo numero è chiuso il 5 gennaio 2012 e inviato agli iscritti il 10 gennaio. Prossimo numero: 31 marzo 2012

Argomenti: Riviste