Osservatorio delle libertà ed istituzioni religiose


Osservatorio delle Libertà ed Istituzioni Religiose

Notizie • 8 Aprile 2013

Strasburgo: Interrogazione scritta alla Commissione Europea sul tema dell’implementazione dell’art. 17 Trattato sul Funzionamento dell’Unione Europea (4 febbraio 2013-19 marzo 2013)

Il 25 gennaio 2013 il Mediatore Europeo (Ombudsman) aveva emesso una decisione con la quale invitava la Commissione Europea a chiarire le procedure per l'implementazione dell'art. 17 TFUE che prescrive il mantenimento di "un dialogo aperto, trasparente e regolare" con le chiese e con le organizzazioni filosofiche e non confessionali". La decisione era scaturita da un ricorso presentato al Mediatore europeo dalla Federazione Umanista Europea, che si era vista rifiutare l'organizzazione di un seminario di discussione sul tema delle eccezioni alle regole europee in materia di diritto del lavoro riconosciute alle chiese.
Il 4 febbraio 2013 alcuni parlamentari europei (Sophia in 't Veld (ALDE) , Joanna Senyszyn (S&D) , Jean-Marie Cavada (PPE) , Franziska Katharina Brantner (Verts/ALE) , Michael Cashman (S&D)), hanno presentato una interrogazione scritta alla Commissione Europea sulla questione. Il 19 marzo 2013 il Presidente Barroso ha risposto per conto della Commissione.

Di seguito si riportano i testi dell'interrogazione e della risposta della Commissione:

Subject: Decision of the European Ombudsman on the implementation of Article 17 TFEU

On 18 October 2011, Complaint 2097/2011/RA against the Commission was submitted to the European Ombudsman, concerning the Commission’s dialogue with churches, religious associations or communities, and philosophical and non-confessional organisations. On 25 January 2012, the Ombudsman closed his inquiry with two remarks:
1. ‘By rejecting the complainant’s proposal for a dialogue seminar, on the grounds that this would go beyond the spirit of Article 17(1) and (2) TFEU, the Commission failed properly to implement Article 17 (3) TFEU, according to which the EU is obliged to “maintain an open, transparent and regular dialogue” with churches, religious associations or communities, philosophical and non-confessional organisations. This constitutes an instance of maladministration.’
2. ‘Taking into account the Ombudsman’s findings, the Commission should (i) clarify its practices and rules in this area, and, if necessary (ii) draw up guidelines indicating how exactly it plans to implement Article 17 TFEU.’
In light of this decision, can the Commission explain how it views the remarks of the European Ombudsman in the abovementioned case?
Has the Commission already decided how it will follow up the decision?
Will the Commission put forward proposals, to be submitted to Parliament, for a reform of Article 17 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union on dialogue, with a view to broadening it to cover all religious views and life stances in Europe, and converting such dialogue into a broad public debate on shared values in the EU?

19 March 2013
Answer given by Mr Barroso on behalf of the Commission

The Commission would like to reassure the Honourable Members that it is determined to continue holding an open, transparent and regular dialogue with churches, religious associations and communities, and philosophical and non-confessional organisations.
The Commission has taken note of the Ombudsman's assessment regarding complaint 2097/2011/RA. It is pleased that the Ombudsman agrees to a large extent with the Commission's interpretation of Article 17 TFEU.
In particular, the Ombudsman recalls that the Commission enjoys a broad margin of discretion ‘in terms of determining the topics it chooses to discuss’ in line with its policy priorities. The Ombudsman has not taken a position as to the complainant's allegation that the Commission discriminates in favour of religious organisations. In fact, he ‘notes that there is nothing in Art 17 TFEU which implies that a precise balance must be struck between the different groups’ and that the fact that the Commission chooses not to sponsor a particular initiative ‘cannot lead to the conclusion that it has breached its obligation to enter into dialogue’.
The Commission is currently working to address the Ombudsman's additional remark, namely his suggestion ‘to clarify its practices and rules in this area, and, if necessary, draw up guidelines’ as to the implementation of Article 17 TFEU.
As to the concrete issue raised by the complaint, namely to hold a joint dialogue seminar with the European Humanist Federation, the decision was taken in autumn 2012 to hold a seminar on ‘European citizenship’ in the premises of the Commission on 15 May 2013.

Argomenti: Unione Europea