Osservatorio delle libertà ed istituzioni religiose


Osservatorio delle Libertà ed Istituzioni Religiose

Notizie • 22 Agosto 2006

Washington D.C.: Rapporto annuale 2006 della U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (maggio 2006)

La U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom è un organismo consultivo del governo degli Stati Uniti d’America creato in base a quanto disposto dall’International Religious Freedom Act of 1998 (IRFA, Public Law 105-292).

La Commissione predispone annualmente un rapporto sulla condizione della libertà religiosa nei vari stati del mondo, indicando, tra l’altro, i cosiddetti “Countries of particular concern (CPCs)“, Paesi che presentano particolari violazioni della libertà religiosa, rispetto ai quali la Commissione può suggerire al Presidente, al Segretario di Stato o al Congresso, la messa in atto di provvvedimenti finalizzati a garantire una migliore protezione della libertà religiosa.

2006 Annual Report of the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (May 2006) (pdf)

The report covers the period May 2005 through April 2006. In carrying out its mandate, the Commission reviews information on violations of religious freedom as presented in the Department of State’s “Country Reports on Human Rights Practices” and its “Annual Report on International Religious Freedom”. The Commission also consults regularly with State Department and National Security Council officials, U.S. Ambassadors, and officials of foreign governments, as well as with representatives of religious communities and institutions, human rights groups, other non-governmental organizations, academics, and other policy experts. It visits foreign countries to examine religious freedom conditions firsthand. The Commission also holds public hearings, briefings and roundtables.

Argomenti: Rapporti & Dossier