Osservatorio delle libertà ed istituzioni religiose


Osservatorio delle Libertà ed Istituzioni Religiose

Decreto ministeriale 14 luglio 2000, n.13

Decree of the Minister of Justice 13/2000 on the Chaplaincy in Penitentiaries, 14 luglio 2000 Section 1 For the individual and collective religious practice of those imprisoned in penitentiary institutions as well as for securing spiritual pastoral service for them, all registered religious communities, denominations, churches (hereinafter together referred to as church) may carry out […]

Decreto 20 aprile 1994, n.61

Government Decree 61/1994 on the Army Chaplaincy, 20 aprile 1994 GENERAL PROVISIONS Section 1 In order to ensure the collective and individual practice of religion, and pastoral care within the military organisations, all registered religious communities, religious denominations, churches (hereinafter together: church) may practise religious activities, on the basis of the soldiers’ requirements. Section 2 […]