Osservatorio delle libertà ed istituzioni religiose


Osservatorio delle Libertà ed Istituzioni Religiose

Sentenza 24 settembre 2003, n.832/2003

Audiencia Nacional (Sala de lo Contencioso-Administrativo, Sección 6ª), Sentencia de 24 septiembre 2003, n. 832/2003. Madrid, a veinticuatro de septiembre de dos mil tres. Visto el recurso Contencioso-Administrativo que ante esta Sección Sexta de la Sala de lo Contencioso-Administrativo de la Audiencia Nacional, y bajo el número 832/2000, se tramita, a instancia de la Iglesia […]

Legge 23 aprile 1991, n.987-XII

Law no. 987-XII of 23 April 1991 on the Freedom of Conscience and Religious Organizations, così come emendata da ultimo nel 1996. SECTION I GENERAL PROVISIONS Art. 1 (Objectives of the Law) The objectives of this law are as follows: – to guarantee the right to the freedom of conscience to citizens of Ukraine and […]

Costituzione 01 settembre 1992

Costituzione, 1 settembre 1992. We, the Slovak nation, mindful of the political and cultural heritage of our forebears, and of the centuries of experience from the struggle for national existence and our own statehood, in the sense of the spiritual heritage of Cyril and Methodius and the historical legacy of the Great Moravian Empire, proceeding […]

Carta 09 gennaio 1991

Charter of fundamental rights and basic freedoms, 9 gennaio 1991, estesa all’ordinamento ceco con risoluzione del Presidio del Consiglio Nazionale Ceco del 16 dicembre 1992 (Omissis) Art. 2 1. Democratic values constitute the foundation of the state, so that it may not be bound either by an exclusive ideology or by a particular religious faith. […]

Costituzione 29 aprile 1994

Costituzione, 29 aprile 1994. (Omissis) Art. 10 (Omissis) 2. The State recognizes and guarantees all its citizens the right to preserve, develop and express their ethnic, cultural, linguistic and religious identity. (Omissis) Art. 16 1. It is the foremost duty of the State to respect and protect the human person. 2. All citizens of the […]

Costituzione 17 novembre 1991

Costituzione, 17 novembre 1991. Taking as the points of departure the historical, cultural, spiritual and statehood heritage of the Macedonian people and their struggle over centuries for national and social freedom as well as the creation of their own state, (Omissis) the Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia adopts the Constitution of the Republic of […]

Legge 04 ottobre 1995, n.I-1057

Law no. I-1057 of 4 October 1995 on Religious Communities and Associations. Art. 1 (Purpose of the Law) This Law shall establish the legal relations of religious communities and associations and the State of Lithuania, and shall implement the human right of freedom of religion consolidated by the Constitution of the Republic of Lithuania, other […]

Costituzione 25 ottobre 1992

Costituzione, 25 ottobre 1992. (Omissis) Art. 25 (Omissis) 4. Freedom to express convictions or impart information shall be incompatible with criminal actions – the instigation of national, racial, religious, or social hatred, violence, or discrimination, the dissemination of slander, or misinformation. (Omissis) Art. 26 1. Freedom of thought, conscience, and religion shall not be restricted. […]

Legge 07 settembre 1995

Law on Religious Organizations, 7 settembre 1995, così come emendata nel 2002. ART. 1 (TERMS USED IN THIS LAW) The following terms are used in this Law: 1. Religious activities – to adhere to a religion or a faith, to practice cult, religious or ritual ceremonies and to proclaim doctrine; 2. Religious denominations (hereinafter – […]