Osservatorio delle libertà ed istituzioni religiose


Osservatorio delle Libertà ed Istituzioni Religiose

Codice penale 06 ottobre 1860

Until 1980 the penal code enforced in Pakistan was in its original
form of 1860. It was the British government that established these
laws in the subcontinent being British colony. In 1927 amendments were
made to this formulation and Section 295- A was added.
Under the dictatorship of Mohammed Zia -Ul- Haq, amendments were added
to the Pakistan Penal Code. Section 298 -A was added in 1980. On use
of derogatort remarks, respect of holy personages. whoever by words,
either spoken or written or by visible representation, or by any
imputation,innuendo or insinuation, directly or indirectly. defiles
the sacred name of any wife or member of the family of prophet
Mohammad, subject to three years imprisonment.
In 1982, another amendment was made and section 295-B was added in
PPC, punishable with imprisonment of life.
In 1986, section 295-C, was added a capital punishment of death

Codice penale 22 luglio 1992

Code pénal de la République Française. Partie législative (version consolidée) (Approvato con legge 22 luglio 1992. In vigore dal 1 marzo 1994) Partie législative LIVRE Ier : Dispositions générales. TITRE III : Des peines. CHAPITRE II : Du régime des peines. (omissis) Section 3 : De la définition de certaines circonstances entraînant l’aggravation, la diminution […]

Codice penale 16 giugno 1879

Code Pénal, 16 Juin 1879. (omissis) Livre II. Titre II. – Chapitre II. – Des délits relatifs au libre exercice des cultes Art. 142. Toute personne qui, par des violences ou des menaces, aura contraint ou empêché une ou plusieurs personnes d’exercer un culte, d’assister à l’exercice de ce culte, de célébrer certaines fêtes religieuses, […]

Codice penale 1860

Codice penale indiano, 1860. (Omissis) CHAPTER XV : OF OFFENCES RELATING TO RELIGION 295. (Injuring or defiling place of worship with intent to insult the religion of any class) Whoever destroys, damages or defiles any place of worship, or any object held sacred by any class of persons with the intention of thereby insulting the […]

Codice penale 21 dicembre 1937

Codice penale svizzero, 21 dicembre 1937. (Omissis) Titolo dodicesimo – Dei crimini o dei delitti contro la tranquillità pubblica Art. 261 (versione ufficiale italiana) (Perturbamento della libertà di credenza e di culto) Chiunque pubblicamente ed in modo abietto offende o schernisce le convinzioni altrui in materia di credenza, particolarmente di credenza in Dio, ovvero profana […]

Codice penale 09 luglio 1913

Codice penale tunisino. Approvato con decreto del 9 luglio 1913. (Omissis) Article 165. – Quiconque entrave l’exercice d’un culte ou de cérémonies religieuses ou les trouble est puni de 6 mois d’emprisonnement et d’une amende de 500 francs, sans préjudice des peines plus fortes qui seraient encourues pour outrages, voies de fait ou menaces. Article […]

Codice penale 2000

Codice penale venezuelano, 2000. CÓDIGO PENAL DE VENEZUELA (Gaceta Oficial Nº 5494 Extraordinario de fecha 20 de octubre de 2000) (Omissis) TITULO II Delitos contra la libertad CAPITULO II De los delitos contra la libertad de cultos Artículo 168. – El que por ofender algún culto lícitamente establecido o que se establezca en la República, […]

Codice penale 1934

Codice penale dell’Uruguay, 1934. (Omissis) CAPÍTULO V De los delitos contra la libertad de cultos y el sentimiento religioso Art. 304. (Ofensa al culto por el impedimento o la perturbación de la ceremonia) El que impidiere o perturbare, de cualquier manera, una ceremonia religiosa, el cumplimiento de un rito o un acto cualquiera de alguno […]

Codice penale 23 luglio 1996

Codice penale della Repubblica di Macedonia, 23 luglio 1996. Criminal Code (Omissis) Causing national, racial or religious hate, discord and intolerance Article 319 (1) A person who by force, mistreatment, endangering the security, ridicule of the national, ethnic or religious symbols, by damaging other people’s objects, by desecration of monuments, graves, or in some other […]

Codice penale 1974

Codice penale papuano, 1974. INDEPENDENT STATE OF PAPUA NEW GUINEA Criminal Code 1974 (Consolidated to No 12 of 1993) (Omissis) 78. Unlawful processions. (1) Any persons who assemble together, to the number of three or more: (…) (b) publicly exhibiting any banner, emblem, flag, or symbol, the displaying of which is calculated to promote animosity […]